My final (ever?) sub job

On Friday, I finally got a sub job in Social Studies. This is quite a rarity, as my friend Annie tends to get all the Social Studies jobs. What’s really cool about this job is that I was subbing for my daughter’s teacher, and that he had requested me based on her input. This was the first time I have ever subbed in any of my kid’s classes. It turned out that her class was by far the worst of the bunch, but it was still fun. OK, it was as fun as watching students quietly study for the final can get. I read about half of my current book. I did have, in my daughter’s class, one student brought in by security. He told me that he still needed to get a tardy pass. I gave him five minutes to get it or I would mark him absent. He didn’t come back, so I marked him absent and called security on him. He arrived soon after with security. My daughter says that he does this on occasion.

The weekend was nothing to write home about. I don’t expect to get any sub calls next week, as it is finals week.