Fun, fun, fun

For much of this week, I’ve had a cold. This has not stopped me from teaching though. It’s been a weird week. On Tuesday, I subbed in a class that I swore I would never sub in again, my first ever sub assignment from last year, but this year, the classes were awesome! Last year’s students were just that bad. On Wednesday, I got a phone call to come in just 10 minutes before class started. I got there five minutes late, not knowing what subject I would even be teaching. It was math. The teacher had been out all week, and there were no lesson plans. I had to improvise. After lunch, I moved to an English classroom, where I would be teaching for the rest of the week. I knew these kids, and they knew me. The teacher’s lesson plans were detailed and wonderful, but only covered about 20-30 minutes of instruction in some of the classes, so I had to find ways to stretch this out. I was alright with that, as it is a skill I will no doubt need when I start teaching my own classes.

Thursday night’s band practice was the best we’ve had in a long time. The band mix was good, the set list was good, and everyone seemed to have practiced ahead of time. It was quite the high energy affair. I hope we have this much fun on Sunday!