Kill the rabbit, kill the rabbit…

This week in college was not as bad.  I guess week one has some additional work to begin the class.  Still, I probably put in 25ish hours and I didn’t finish until Monday at noon.  Last week, I was getting the impression that my teacher didn’t like me very much, but it was probably just stress on her end.  We’re all working with new software and not all her previous class material transferred over or worked well with this new software.  She was pretty much on call with tech support all last week.  This week, most of her technical issues are solved, and I posted a whole lot more, which is important with an online class, so now she seems to appreciate me a whole lot more.  Starting next week, we launch into four weeks of group work.  Group work online is a messy affair, so I hope we all get along (the four of us in our group, that is).

My sister and her husband visited my son over the weekend.  She says that he’s very muscular now.  I believe it – boot camp will do that to you!  They sent a picture and Jeffrey looks great.  She also said that he was an exceptional young man and that I should be proud.  I am!

Now that Jeffrey is out of the house, we wondered what to do with his rabbit, since the rabbit will never again be with Jeffrey… and is mean.  We don’t want to take care of her anymore.  The solution: taxidermy!  Seriously – Jeffrey has decided to get his bunny stuffed and put in a “fierce” position.  Wow, it must be nice to have so much money and no bills.  The bunny is on death row as of today, and the taxidermist will put her down tonight.  It’s a little sad, but it sure does solve a problem.  Now we have to see what we can do with the dog…