Thoughts on musicianship

I’ve been playing a lot of electric at church recently; with the current mix of musicians, I am needed on electric 50% of the time.  I was telling Bery the other day that if he keeps scheduling me like this, I might actually get good at electric.  It’s so true though – I have already seen some definite improvements in both technique and sound quality.  Who knows, maybe I’ll learn how to use a pick after all!

I’ve also noticed that my acoustic and bass abilities are stagnating.  I’m just not getting in enough practice mostly because I’m playing to maintain what I already know, not to advance.  With electric, I have no choice but to advance because otherwise I can’t play the songs!  I should start relearning all those Passion songs so I can improve my bass play, and maybe relearn all those James Taylor songs that I used to know on acoustic.

Without a drum set at home, currently, there really isn’t much chance that I can reclaim my former drumming abilities.  Perhaps this is OK.  Our church band has more drummers than it needs, and I have only played drums at church twice in twenty years now, so there isn’t much call for me to play.

Aside from that, the Winter Olympics have now come to a close, though I still have about eight hours of material left that I haven’t watched.  I’ll get to it sometime this week I’m sure.  Also, I didn’t get a phone call this morning for a sub job, so today, I start studying for my CSET in earnest.  Wish me luck!