van Gogh

I stayed very sick over the weekend.  Saturday was spent in bed watching Science Fiction movies.  Sunday, I dragged myself to church to teach a class on the Nativity then play in the band.  I pretty much went straight back to bed after that (watching the 49ers win in spectacular fashion!).  This morning, I felt a bit better, which is fortunate because I had a substitute job.

Today, I taught a “college style” class on van Gogh (powerpoint mixed with group discussion) to a middle school art class (four periods worth, plus a class of “year book”).  The teacher had asked me to do this ahead of time to help introduce her next unit: painting.  And depending on how her jury duty goes next week, I could wind up teaching the class some or all of next week.  By the last class of the day, my voice was gone from talking, but I did have enough stamina to make it through the day.  Yeah!