Suddenly, a homework day

I actually turned down a sub job this morning because I couldn’t understand the teacher’s name or what she was asking me to do.  The automated phone message was just fine except for the bits where she talked.  I didn’t really want my assignment to be that much of a surprise.  The only thing I knew for sure was that she worked in the English department… because the automated portion of the call told me that.  Alas, no one else called, so I concentrated on my homework assignments until around 2PM (Yeah, all caught up!).  After that, I spent a considerable amount of time building my Minecraft cathedral.  The last of the walls and the roof went up today.  The cathedral is looking amazing.  If I don’t get a call tomorrow, I’ll add the buttresses and start on the interior woodwork.

The district also called today and asked if I could sub for post-secondary (after high school in this case) special education and/or for the alternative campus for kids who got kicked out of high school.  I said yes to special ed., but no to the alternative campus kids, figuring that with my poor classroom management skills, I’d be eaten alive.  When my wife got home, she told me that the alternative campus kids were actually a lot of fun and that the teachers there were amazing.  Of course, she has excellent classroom management skills, but she also told me that once the kids are placed in this sheltered environment, the class size drops and the teachers are more relaxed about teaching.  It helps the kids immensely.  Gee, perhaps I should say yes and give it a try.  This could be my calling.