
I exercised and did homework by day; in the evening, I went to my “slam dunk” class.

Now truthfully, when the testing starts next week, it won’t be so slam dunk.  There is a lot of information to memorize and internalize.  For now though, the in-class work and discussions are very easy because I’m covering material that I am intimately familiar with.  The class will get more difficult as we progress.

Hey, one week down and I’m already 1/6th of the way through these two classes – hurray!  Of course, I have at least 5 – 6 more six week modules to go (minimum, @ 4 nights a week), and student teaching, and a whole lot of major requirements to accomplish before I graduate, but for now, I’ll celebrate the small stuff rather than dwell on the big picture.  A nibble at a time works best.