Ancient Civilizations Day

The theme of the day was “study.”  More than that, today, I would study Ancient Civilizations.  I read through a couple of books until I got tired at 2:30, and then watched a video lecture on the same subject.

For lunch, Barbara cooked some wonderful French-inspired, breaded Tilapia with a side dish of pickled zucchini.  The zucchini was OK, but the Tilapia was wonderful.

She also made bran muffins.

For dinner, she made petite steaks with mushrooms & onions on top, and a side of tarragon aioli; Lima beans and sourdough bread on the side.  Again, all was wonderful.

We had cracked open a bottle of Cotes Du Rhone wine to make the recipe.  It was too bad I couldn’t have a glass – I had to get to band practice.

Band practice was a pure pleasure.  I showed how God was pointing me towards teaching (sharing what God was saying to me through scripture), and they were encouraged by that.  We got silly at prayer time – our group is so comfortable with each other.  The music sounded good as well.  I think this is the first time I’ve been on bass since before my NY vacation (about two months?!).

I had a glass of wine when I got home and watched the Olympics.

Right before bed, I saw that one of my contract jobs had work for me.  I guess I’ll need to spend a couple of hours working on a chip tomorrow.  I’d rather study.